Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Step 4: Enumerating Target (AutoScan)

Now that we have understand about the port scanning theory, let us put that in practise using backtrack enumerating tools - Autoscan.

AutoScan is a graphical-based network scanning tool that can be used to find:
• Live hosts on a network.
• Open ports
• Type of operating system used by each host.
AutoScan uses an agent for the GUI to collect and fingerprint the targeted hosts and send the results to the GUI via an internal TCP connection.
(+) very easy to use
(+) it can scan several networks simultaneously
(+) light load to the network.

1. You can find autoscan from Application -> Backtrack -> Information Gathering -> Network Analysis -> Network Scanner -> Autoscan.
You will see a Network Wizard to help you add a network to the scan. Select Forward to continue.

2. To create a new network, select the appropriate network from the Private Subnet.

3. Then it will display the agent location. Just use the default option (localhost) because we don't have any remote agents yet.

4. Next it will display the network interface to be used. Click Forward to continue.

5. Finaly, the wizard will display a summary of the wizard configuration.

6. Then the pr0cess will begin.

7. To find out the open ports on the host, click on the host and select the Info tab on the lower-right windown. The result will be displayed on the upper-rightt windown.

It appears that host has 4 open ports, which are port 21 (FTP), port 22 (SSH), port 53 (DNS), and port 80 (HTTP)

To quit AutoScan, simply click on the Exit button.

Now you have discovered which port that is available for you to explore further using The AutoScan tool from backtrack for enumerating target. However, in good practice, try using different tools to enumerate target to find further information about our target.